O’port share of sports betting (seems to be) $172,000
October 16, 2019
Getting ready to celebrate 100 years of Oceanport
October 18, 2019By Coleen Burnett
West Long Branch — Too many vehicles have ended up being parked in the lot at Borough Hall for too long a time – and its forcing the West Long Branch council to look into some possible restrictions or changes.
Councilman Stephen Bray broached the subject at the caucus session of the October 2nd meeting. The discussion was prompted by an email that was sent to him by a member of the police force.
It turns out that the parking lot (located at 965 Broadway) has no particular rules or regulations regarding its use.
Bray suggested the rules for another municipal lot — located at the intersection of Monmouth Road and Cedar Avenue — be used as a template for the Broadway lot.
Such a template would possibly include designated parking spaces for the Police Department, Fire Department, and Emergency Services. There would also be spaces designated for the public (along with handicapped spaces), and perhaps a time limit. Bray suggested the limit should be four hours.
“I think if we make it simple it will give us that flexibility,” said Bray.
There were other complaints, including one from both Councilwoman MaryLynn Mango and Borough Administrator Stephanie Dollinger that there were problems setting up the machine used for the recent shredding event due to the number of cars that were in the lot and the logistics of where they were parked.
This was on a weekend. “That’s another example,” said Mango.
Councilman Christopher Neyhart agreed it was a problem that has to be addressed. “In the lot out here, we have numerous people that leave their cars out there for numerous days.” He added that it would be one thing if they got permission to leave their cars from Police Chief Paul Habermann, but they weren’t even doing that.
It was decided, for now, the issue will be explored further.