About Us
The Link News has been a hometown news outlet since 2001, read by a wide range of audiences for its local coverage of events. It is offered online at www.thelinknews.net, on Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets. You can reach us by emailing Locallinknews@aol.com.
The Link is also at the scene with live video for our audience no matter how big or small and sometimes dangerous the event. It can be as simple as a nice day at the beach, a parade or a blizzard/ hurricane or even a hostage situation. When you are stuck inside, with our press credentials we are not. Email us your events at locallinknews@aol.com
The Link is also at the scene with live video for our audience no matter how big or small and sometimes dangerous the event. It can be as simple as a nice day at the beach, a parade or a blizzard/ hurricane or even a hostage situation. When you are stuck inside, with our press credentials we are not. Email us your events at locallinknews@aol.com