Police: intoxicated man drove through garage doors
August 26, 2013
IAMA presents scholarships
August 26, 2013By Eric Kollinger Eatontown — On August 2, Eatontown Recreation hosted the second annual Summer Fun event at Wolcott Park.
The Friday night was filled with activities, contests, and even a movie for the whole family to enjoy. All of it was free and everyone, young and old, were invited to this once a year summer celebration. The festivities started around 5:00 p.m. with the start of a friendly soccer game in which many of the kids participated in. Other children played at some of the many other park offerings such as the basketball court, soccer field, baseball field, and playground. However, the biggest attraction at around 6:30 p.m. was the ice cream-eating contest sponsored by Cold Stone Creamery. Split into groups according to age, contestants had one minute to eat one scoop of ice cream. The three fastest consumers were awarded different prizes: 1st place won a coupon towards Rita’s Italian Ice, 2nd place won a free ice cream cone at McDonalds, and 3rd place was given a water bottle filled with candy. All of the kids were highly competitive. While a little slower paced, the adult group was also quite aggressive. The contest continued throughout the night with many rounds and groups. The event ended at around 8:00 p.m. with a screening of the movie “Hotel Transylvania.” Parents and children brought blankets and chairs for the movie. Some of the kids even dressed in their Halloween costumes to contribute to the theme of the movie and night festival. Eatontown Summer Recreation, which sponsored the event, is currently doing a six week summer camp program which started July 8 and ends on August 16. Having been around for over 30 years and servicing over 200 campers yearly, the recreation promotes children activity and is always looking for new recruits and community involvement. This event was run and organized by counselors Rob Guiliano, Tatiana Grant, and intern counselor Skylar Marvin. The camp provides field trips just about every week and special activities are held every day. For more information about the Eatontown Recreation and all of their upcoming events check online on their website www.eatontownnj.com.