Monmouth University to host Founders’ Day Celebration October 9
September 26, 2013
Visiting Nurse Association Health Group Hosts 22nd Annual Family Fall Fest
September 26, 2013
Members of the Sea Bright and Monmouth Beach Police Departments were presented with the William H. Spurgeon III Award at the Sept. 3 Sea Bright Borough Council meeting. Lee Marconi, Scout Executive of Boy Scouts of America Monmouth Council, said the award is named after Spurgeon, who was the founder of the Explorer movement. Monmouth Beach and Sea Bright’s police departments run Explorer Post 912, educating youths about what law enforcement is like. Explorer programs are designed to not only give children experience in a field, but also to build educational and leadership skills.

Members of the Sea Bright and Monmouth Beach Police Departments were presented with the William H. Spurgeon III Award at the Sept. 3 Sea Bright Borough Council meeting. Lee Marconi, Scout Executive of Boy Scouts of America Monmouth Council, said the award is named after Spurgeon, who was the founder of the Explorer movement. Monmouth Beach and Sea Bright’s police departments run Explorer Post 912, educating youths about what law enforcement is like. Explorer programs are designed to not only give children experience in a field, but also to build educational and leadership skills.