The lesson of Sandy: be prepared
November 8, 2013Man charged with multiple burglaries
November 8, 2013Oceanport — The annual “Old Timer’s Night” was held recently at the Port Au Peck Firehouse in Oceanport. All past members were invited to the firehouse for dinner and to witness the awards ceremony.
Honorary Members present were: Mayor Clement V. Sommers and William E. Wilson, Esq.; special guests: Police Chief Daniel W. Barcus, Fire Chiefs Kenneth T. Carroll, 1st Asst. Joseph Wolf, and 2nd Asst. Patrick J. Shaffery, Jr.; First Aid Squad Captain Fred Fillipone; President of the Hook and Ladder, Ex-Chief Thomas J. Crochet and Captain Michael Patterson; and Port Au Peck’s active, working members.
Borough governing body members Ex-Chief Mayor Michael J. Mahon; and Council members, Ex-Chief Gerald R. Bertekap Jr., Ex-Chief Richard A. Gallo Jr., and Ex-Chief William Johnson were also present.
Presentation of Company awards was made by Fire Company President Bill McNish. Council members Gallo and Bertekap presented Borough of Oceanport Certificates of Appreciation signed by the mayor.
Those members receiving Certificates of Service were: Ex-Chief James E. Slattery and Robert C. Simmons, for 40 years of service. Ex-Chief John F. Gallo and Robert A. Patterson for 35 years of Service. Paul V. Terwilliger, Jr. for 20 years and James C. Mazzei for 10 years of service
Those receiving service awards for 5 years of service were: Phillip V. Gallo, Steven P. Gallo, Kenneth C. Carroll, and Robert J Morley III.
Matt Brown received a plaque and a Life Membership card for 25 years of service.
Ex-Chief Buddy Brocklebank was recognized for 48 years of active service as a fireman of Port Au Peck Fire Company.
Ex-Chief John Gallo did his usual good job preparing the food for the event. Ex Chief Al De Santis Sr., was the master of ceremony for the evening.