Pier Village announces summer of ‘So Many Things’
May 28, 2014
Jude Mellaci orders Morgan to life in prison for the murder of his daughter
May 28, 2014Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon sent a letter to Senate President Stephen Sweeney and Assembly Majority Leader Louis Greenwald asking them to call on the federal government to ease many of the restrictions holding up Sandy projects and correct some of the inequities in the Sandy aid distribution process. Both Sweeney and Greenwald have visited parts on Monmouth County which are represented by O’Scanlon.
“My district was one of the hardest hit by Sandy,” O’Scanlon explained. “My residents and I appreciate the attention that we have gotten from the Senate President and the Majority Leader, but now it’s time to do something. New Jersey has been treated inequitably when you consider New York City and State’s level of aid.”
O’Scanlon’s letter points out that New York has received $4 billion more than New Jersey in Sandy aid while suffering similar levels of damage. New Jersey has received $3.2 billion in aid to New York’s $7.1 billion, although New York suffered $42 billion of damage to New Jersey’s $37 billion. “That means New York suffered just 14 percent more damage than New Jersey but is receiving 125 percent more aid,” O’Scanlon stated. “How do you justify this disparity?”
“This isn’t about pointing fingers, this is about asking for our fair share and ensuring my residents can get back into their homes,” O’Scanlon said. “The job is still a long way from finished and we need to ensure that those still suffering get the help they need. We must streamline this process that is rife with red tape and hurdles. Fraud prevention is the goal of many of these onerous requirements, but the average person just wants to go home. We can expedite the process and prevent fraud – the two are no mutually exclusive. I look forward to working with Senate President Sweeney and Majority Leader Greenwald in the coming months on this and many other important issues affecting my district.”