Revised, but still criticized
July 18, 2014Three sessions are offered for those affected by Sandy
July 23, 2014New Jersey State Police have announced that starting Friday night, July 25, 2014 they will be conducting a DWI sobriety checkpoint at the PNC Arts Center in Holmdel on the Garden State Parkway.
It will start at 8:00 p.m. with troopers stopping vehicles entering the southbound portion of the Garden State Parkway at the Arts Center. The objective of the sobriety checkpoint according to a printed press release is to reduce the number of crashes due to impaired driving. Troopers stopping cars will be looking for signs of impairment due to alcohol or drugs.
Playing the Arts Center on Friday night is Tody Keith and the State Police said if you plan on drinking, make sure you have a designated driver.
It is unclear if the troopers will be out on Saturday night as Kiss and Def Leppard are scheduled to appear. However, it is always wise to make sure that you never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Don’t risk the chance of hurting someone or yourself, and getting arrested. As the troopers say; “enjoy the show safely.”