E’town schools save $1.5M by refinancing bonds
February 11, 2015BME Kindergarten Registration Feb. 18-19
February 11, 2015By Mike Ciavolino
Recently, club members attended a Rotary District Conference, the focus of which was on attracting new members to our clubs across Monmouth, Ocean and Burlington Counties.

FLYING HIGH — Rotary Club of Greater Long Branch President Brian Berry thanks David Elliott Dempsey of High Exposure for his great presentation.
Our Club, the Rotary Club of Greater Long Branch, is made up of civic and community leaders, area business owners and entrepreneurs and public officials. Here are a few reasons why you should consider joining the Rotary Club of Greater Long Branch:
Make a difference in your community: You’ll make valuable connections with community leaders who care about the issues facing the Greater Long Branch community and hometowns around the world. And you’ll have the chance to apply your personal experience and professional skills to solve these challenges and create positive change.
Network: As a member, you’ll find opportunities to network and develop your professional skills. You can take the lead in developing projects, organizing events, and running your club. Through these activities, you’ll hone your project planning skills, improve your public speaking, and even learn new skills, like public relations, social media, and fundraising.
Rotary is all about family: You’ll spend time with friends and make new ones every week! Make it a family affair. Members are encouraged to invite their spouse or partner, children, and parents to help with service projects and attend club events. Rotary offers opportunities for all ages, from service clubs for youth and young adults (Interact and Rotaract Clubs) to exchanges that give young and old alike the chance to explore new cultures.
How to Join: Just call the phone number at the bottom of this column or stop by one of our meetings each Friday at 12 noon at the fabulous Rooney’s Ocean Crab House Restaurant.
Rotary Club gets some
High Exposure
At our last meeting, the Club heard a great presentation from Mr. David Elliott Dempsey, President of High Exposure, an Aerial Advertising Company. The first thing one thinks of when it comes to aerial advertising might be planes flying along the beach. High Exposure is that and so much more.
High Exposure, Inc. is New Jersey based with multiple airports and assets throughout the US. Strategic locations allow High Exposure to be more cost effective and provide services throughout the year. They have over 35 years of flight experience and over 18 years in the industry.
They have an experienced, professional staff of pilots, ground crew, mechanics and office personnel and are the largest company of their kind in the area.
They guarantee that your banner will fly only when attendance is strong or during good weather over any beach or venue.
For more information on getting your message or company noticed above the ground, visit them online at www.usairads.com
Thanks Barb!
The Club would like to thank Club Vice President Barb Youchah and the Sheraton of Eatontown for being our gracious hosts this week while Rooney’s was undergoing minor renovations. The Club will return to Rooney’s for it’s regular meeting on February 13.
Lombardi Awards Dinner
The annual Lombardi Awards Dinner, honoring the area’s top high school linemen for accomplishments both on and off the field will be help March 5 at the Sheraton of Eatontown.
The awards dinner is coordinated annually by the Rotary Clubs of Monmouth County, with the proceeds benefiting local, regional and national charities.
Contact our Club at the number below for more information on attending or sponsoring the Lombardi Awards Dinner.
It’s b-a-a-a-a-c-k!
The Rotary Club Annual Art Show set for April 23!
Planning for the 2015 Rotary Club Art Show is well under way. Once again supporting the Karen Hansen Memorial Scholarship Fund, this year’s show will be held at the Eatontown Sheraton.
The show will feature more than 20 area artists displaying their wares for sale, food and refreshments. Tickets are only $45. Watch this space for more details soon!
Please join us for our next meeting
The Club invites you to attend our next meeting, which will be held Friday, February 13 at noon at Rooney’s in Long Branch. The speaker will be Cindy Zipf of Clean Ocean Action.
Want to attend? Simply give us a call at (641) 715-3900 Ext #716992 to make a reservation or pay $20 lunch fee at the door. For more information, visit us at www.longbranchrotary.org
Wondering what Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Long Branch is all about? Rotary’s 1.2 million members worldwide believe that helping to change the world starts with a personal commitment to “Service Above Self.” In more than 34,000 clubs worldwide, you’ll find members volunteering in communities at home and abroad to support education and job training, provide clean water, combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, and eradicate polio.