Art in the Park 17th year in Long Branch
June 3, 2015
Vigilance is the key against litter, mayors say
June 3, 2015Long Branch — The Long Branch Free Public Library will be offering free Adult Yoga Classes for Beginners on Thursdays from 5-6 p.m. in the Community Room of the Main Library on June 4-18.
Get inspired to reach your full potential both on and off the mat! This class is designed for adults to increase strength, flexibility, and balance both physically and mentally. Using yoga, students will learn how to integrate their mind, body and breathing to overcome stress in their everyday life and maintain a healthy well-being.
Classes will be taught by Amy Zambrano, founder of Amy’s Yogabilities, who has over 500 hours of yoga teacher trainings that contribute to her knowledge and expertise in the yoga field.
Zambrano, a Long Branch resident, has traveled all over the world to deepen and enhance her teaching practice to help her students. Amy’s Yogabilities focuses on empowering the mind, body, and spirit awareness for maintaining a healthy well being. Her students will be inspired to reach their full potential and incorporate yoga off the mat and into their everyday lives.
For more information visit her website at www.amysyogabilities.com.
Registration is required as class size is limited. To register, please call or email Lisa Kelly at 732-222-3900 or lkelly.lbpl@gmail.com to reserve your spot.
Please bring a yoga mat to class; if you don’t have one, the instructor can provide one. Wear comfortable clothing; socks are optional (bare feet will provide a better grip on the mat.) Adults of all ages and all abilities are welcomed.