Teen Time at the Library
July 1, 2015American Pharoah leads 35 invited to William Hill Haskell
July 1, 2015Ocean Township — With the summer here, police are taking extra steps to make sure residents are safe in the heavy traffic, and avoid setting off dangerous, and illegal, fireworks.
Beginning July 1 and continuing throughout the month of July, the Township of Ocean Police Department will be conducting a Summer Traffic Safety Initiative. The goal of this initiative will be to target vehicle operations and actions which are unsafe.
During the summer months the area sees increases in traffic volume, aggressive driving, and crashes, police say. Many of the crashes can be attributed to unsafe vehicle operations.
Enforcement will be conducted by Patrol Bureau and Traffic Bureau Officers. They will be targeting all motor vehicle violations, with particular attention to hazardous moving violations. This initiative is to include zero tolerance for distracted driving related offenses, by operators of a moving vehicles using cell phones or similar electronic devices.
Don’t set off fireworks
The Township of Ocean Police Department will be strictly enforcing fireworks violations during the Independence Day holiday week. The goal is to create a safe environment for the citizens of the township, as they enjoy this holiday week.
Police say it is important that everyone understands the hazards of fireworks, and that it is illegal to possess, use or sell them.
According to New Jersey law, sparklers and novelty items such as cigarette loads, trick matches, smoke grenades, toy propellants, snaps, pops, poppers, champagne poppers as well as firecrackers, roman candles and bottle rockets, etc. are all illegal in the state.
Last year, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development reported that 14 persons were treated in hospital emergency rooms from injuries resulting from the use of fireworks, and nationally that number rises to 1200 reported injuries.
Many others may have been treated by their own physician or hospitals out of state, or were not reported.
Ocean police encourage people to attend professionally organized public fireworks shows that take place in the area and not to use or attempt to use fireworks in any public or private location.