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Veterans Speechwriting Contest winners were recognized at a ceremony in the Long Branch High School. Pictured (left to right) are Principal Vincent Muscillo, VFW Post 2140 Contest Chairpersons Avery and Annie Grant, contest winners Mike Malley, Margaux Cattelona, Victoria Cattelona, and Michaela Reder and School Contest Coordinator Anne Gill.
Long Branch — The Winners of the Voice of Democracy Speechwriting Scholarship Competition were recognized at a ceremony at Long Branch High School. The competition is sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars Brighton Memorial Post 2140 in Long Branch.
Nationally, since 1947, the Voice of

Veterans Speechwriting Contest winners were recognized at a ceremony in the Long Branch High School. Pictured (left to right) are Principal Vincent Muscillo, VFW Post 2140 Contest Chairpersons Avery and Annie Grant, contest winners Mike Malley, Margaux Cattelona, Victoria Cattelona, and Michaela Reder and School Contest Coordinator Anne Gill.
has been the premier scholarship competition of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Each year, more than 50,000 high school students, across the country, compete for more than $2.3 million in scholarships and incentives. Students compete by writing and recording a broadcast script on an annually selected patriotic theme.
This year’s theme was, “Why Veterans are Important to our Nation’s History and Future.” The students record their speeches at the Monmouth University Radio Station, and their recordings are judged by a board of community people.
Competitions are conducted progressively at the local, district (county), state and national level. The winner at each level proceeds through to the next level of competition, and the winner at the national level receives a $30,000 scholarship.
The local winners were: first place, Rebecca Adekunle; second place, Margaux Cattelona; third place, Mike Malley; fourth place,Victoria Cattelona; and fifth place, Michaela Reder. The competition was coordinated by Long Brach High School teacher Anne Gill, and VFW chairpersons Avery and Annie Grant.
The VFW Commander is Peter Lumia and the VFW Auxiliary President is Agnes Andolino.