WLB Fall Festival returns
October 14, 2015
Ocean’s Thompson rumbles in the rain
October 14, 2015The Long Branch Historical Association invites the public to attend “Gravestone Art and Symbolism,” presented by Lorna and Phil Wooldridge, on Wed. Oct. 28, 7 p.m. at the Long Branch Main Library, 328 Broadway.
Just in time for Halloween, in a joint program presented with the Long Branch Free Public Library, Lorna and Phil Wooldridge of Wise Owl Workshops will present an interpretation of gravestone symbolism, from family burial plots to elaborate rural cemeteries of the Victorian Era, through to the Memorial Parks of the 20th Century.
Using stories, photos and humorous examples from cemeteries near and far, they will discuss the meanings of gravestone art and the techniques and skills of the early slate and sandstone carvers, and contrast them with today’s techniques such as laser etching. The program will conclude with an opportunity for questions and a photographic tour of some surrounding cemeteries. .
This program is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.