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January 20, 2016Community members interested in earning a bachelor’s degree closer to home are invited to a free open house for the Brookdale Community College and Rutgers University Partnership, held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 2 at Brookdale’s Freehold campus, 3680 US Highway 9 South.

Brookdale Community College and Rutgers University will host an open house for the Brookdale-Rutgers Partnership at Brookdale’s Freehold campus on Tuesday, Feb. 2 from 6 to 8 p.m. Photo by Brookdale Community College.
Attendees will be able to meet one-on-one with college officials and learn more about the partnership, which allows Brookdale graduates to earn a Rutgers bachelor’s degree by taking classes at Brookdale’s Freehold campus. Advanced courses are taught by Rutgers faculty and lead to degrees in nearly one dozen academic programs, including business administration, criminal justice, public health and journalism.
Open house attendees will also be able to learn about available scholarships, financial aid, streamlined transfer programs, career counseling and other services offered to students enrolled in the partnership program.
“Whether you are a new high school graduate or an adult returning to the classroom, this unique partnership allows you to save time and money while earning degrees from two prestigious institutions,” said Richard Pfeffer, dean of Brookdale’s Freehold campus.
To register for the open house or to learn more visit brookdalecc.edu/events or call 732-625-7002