Free event to help those with psoriatic arthritis
October 5, 2016
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October 5, 2016Eatontown — Late Wednesday, September 28, the Monmouth County SPCA Law Enforcement Division seized 12 dogs and 2 horses from a residence on Fort Plains Road in Howell.
The Monmouth County SPCA Humane Police were alerted to the situation by Animal Control Officers who were investigating a horse running loose in the area. The Animal Control Officers from the Associated Humane Society, who are contracted by Howell Twp. for animal control services, recovered the horse and determined it had escaped from the residence.
When the officers returned the stray horse, they discovered that the horse, along with another horse and 12 dogs living in the rear of the property were all living in what the MCSPCA describes as deplorable conditions.
When MCSPCA Officers arrived on scene and investigated the situation, they discovered that the dogs were in very poor condition suffering from severe matting, overgrown nails, skin and ear infections, visible tumors and covered in fleas.
With the assistance of the Howell Twp. Police Department and the Howell Twp. Code Enforcement Officers, MCSPCA Officers seized the two horses and 12 dogs.
The horses were transported to a local farm to be held pending further developments.
The 12 dogs were taken to the Monmouth County SPCA in Eatontown.
The owner of the animals, who resides at 834 Fort Plains Road, has agreed to surrender the dogs to the MCSPCA and will subsequently be charged with several counts of animal cruelty.
The medical staff at the MCSPCA has begun to vaccinate, deworm, apply flea/tick preventative and microchip the dogs in preparation for further medical and behavioral assessment. In the meantime, the Monmouth County SPCA is in need of monetary donations to provide medical treatment, food, supplies and care to the dogs while they await placement.
All donations can be made online via, through the mail via MCSPCA, Howell Case, 260 Wall Street, Eatontown NJ 07724, or over the phone by calling 732-440-1556.