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November 2, 2017The Monmouth University Board of Trustees today announced members of the search committee for the university’s tenth president to succeed Grey J. Dimenna, Esq., who will be retiring on June 30, 2019.
Board Chair Michael A. Plodwick ’82 assembled the committee to oversee the search process. The committee of 17 is made up of 10 members of the Monmouth University Board of Trustees, six of whom are alumni, three faculty members, two administrators, and two students. The university’s Board of Trustees approved the committee membership at its meeting on Oct. 26.
“Selecting a president is one of the most important responsibilities of any board,” said Plodwick. “We are grateful to Grey Dimenna for his continued leadership and we are committed to selecting a president who will propel this great university forward.”
Henry D. Mercer, III ’87, immediate past chair of the Board of Trustees, was tapped to serve as chair of the search committee.
“The formation of this committee is the first step in the process, said Mercer. “The committee offers the necessary diversity of background and experience to effectively evaluate what we expect will be an extremely competitive candidate pool and I appreciate the time and effort their service will require.”
In addition to Mercer, the search committee members include:
Representing the Board of Trustees:
- John Brockriede Jr. ’07 ’10
- Karyn Cusanelli ’89
- Marianne Hesse
- Leslie Hitchner
- Chris Maher
- Erik Matson ’88
- Thomas J. Michelli
- Robert B. Sculthorpe ’63
- Michelle Spicer Toto ’94
Student Representatives:
- Pooja Shah
- Matthew J. Yard
Faculty Representatives:
- Susan Marshall, Ph.D.
- Eugene Simko, Ph.D.
- Richard Veit, Ph.D.
Administrative Representatives:
- Nina Anderson
- Jon Roos
The committee will issue a request for proposals in the coming weeks with the goal of selecting a search consultant in January 2018. The Board of Trustees expects to choose a new president by February 2019.