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December 21, 2018Oceanport project earns 2018 Merit Award
December 26, 2018
William Riker/Michael Booth photo From left to right, standing: Michael Booth, Lisa Kelly, Vice President, Janice Grace, Darren Davis, Todd Katz, John Pallone, Dr. Richard Fernicola; Front row: Barbara Carton-Riker, Treasurer, Mary Mattaliano, Dr. Mary Jane Celli (seated), Eugenia Kelly, Secretary. Unable to attend: Board President Jim Foley
Long Branch — On December 11, the Board of Trustees of the Long Branch Historical Museum Association (aka Church of the Presidents) celebrated the year’s accomplishments with a holiday potluck meeting, at the home of Board member Mary Mattaliano.

William Riker/Michael Booth photo From left to right, standing: Michael Booth, Lisa Kelly, Vice President, Janice Grace, Darren Davis, Todd Katz, John Pallone, Dr. Richard Fernicola; Front row: Barbara Carton-Riker, Treasurer, Mary Mattaliano, Dr. Mary Jane Celli (seated), Eugenia Kelly, Secretary. Unable to attend: Board President Jim Foley
In 2018 the Museum was approved for a $150,000 matching restoration grant from the New Jersey Historic Trust and a $5,500 matching grant from the Monmouth County Historical Commission. Both of these grants will focus on completion of the windows and doors of the historic structure.
At the meeting, Dr. Richard Fernicola updated the Board on continuing efforts to move the George W. Child’s building to the museum’s site on Ocean Avenue. Originally built in 1867/68 for James M. Brown, the senior partner of Brown Brothers, the building has been used as a retreat center since the 1940s under the name Stella Maris. The property was sold last year to The Jackson Group and recently approved for a four-lot subdivision. Ike Chehebar, President and new owner, is very much interested in history and has been working with the group to help save the original section of the building.
Anyone interested in helping with this special project is encouraged to reach out to the Museum Board by contacting the Trustees or visiting their website, www.churchofthepresidents.org or Facebook page.