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February 26, 2020Long Branch — The Greater Long Branch Chamber of Commerce has announced it will award its 2020 Humanitarian Award to
Avery W. Grant, P.E.
Grant will be honored at the 86th Annual Business Awards Dinner will be held on Friday, March 20, at the Ocean Place Resort & Spa, 1 Ocean Blvd. along with others who will be recognized for their contributions of Long Branch.
Grant is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, and he built his home in Long Branch, preparing to go to the Vietnam War in 1967.
He is a member of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Long Branch, where he has served as Lay Leader, Sunday School Teacher, Men’s Club President, and Lay Member to the State Conference. For 27 years, he has coordinated the Free Community Easter Sunday and Thanksgiving Day Dinners, serving 200 meals and delivering 150 meals to homes and Senior public housing residences
As a Long Branch School Board member for 20 years, he assisted in getting the state to build the five new schools, and to renovate the Historic High School. For the Air Force ROTC Ca-dets, Grant acquired two Electronic Flight Simulators for their training, and assisted one cadet in getting a flying license. He brings in prominent persons, some whom are graduates to interact with the students.
He is the Chairman of the New Jersey School Board Association Task Force for Student Achievement.
Avery, as Executive Director of the Long Branch Concerned Citizens Coalition (Volunteers) and working with the New Jersey Department of Environment Protection, is having the 18-acre contaminated Long Branch Avenue Site remediated. The Coalition caused the contaminated Seaview Manor and Grant Court Public Housing demolished and rebuilt, and in Health law-suits, 292 citizens received from $20,000 to $200,000.
As the Chairman of the Monmouth County Advisory Council on Aging, endorsed the start of the Senior Citizens Area Transportation System and Meals on Wheels. He also coordinated the Swine Flu inoculations of Long Branch Senior Citizens, and started the County Senior Citizens Picnic. And, now, is a County Fair Housing Board Member.
He was the 1975-1977 Chairman of the Monmouth County Cotillion, conducted in the Asbury Park Convention Hall, awarding scholarships to high school seniors.
As a State-Certified Volunteer In Probation, Grant counseled and helped Long Branch youths who had committed minor infractions, and thus avoided confinement.
Appointed by Mayor Cioffi, Avery, as the Long Branch VFW Post Commander, with Jack Kiely, coordinated a very successful month-long honoring and fundraising for four Long Branch Vietnam War amputees.
For three years, Grant, with Thomas Armour, produced and published the free, bi-weekly, Community Newspaper, an African American publications of 5,000 circulation.
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Receiving the prestigious Libutti Award this year are Esther Cohen, managing partner of Cedars & Beeches Inn, Long Branch and Tonya Garcia, Director of the Long Branch Free Public Library.
Other awards being presented that night: The President’s Award to Mr. & Mrs. Feliciano of FEM Real Estate for the accessible beach access; Invest in Long Branch award to The Kushner Company for The Wave Resort, and the Business Improvement Awards to Long Branch Distillery, The Butcher’s Block, Grubman 57-61 Brighton Avenue, and Beach Bee Meadery.
Dinner tickets are available at $115 per person. Please contact the Chamber at info@longbranchchamber.org or 732-222-0400. Tickets can also be purchased through Eventbrite: chamberawardsdinner.eventbrite.com.