Ocean Township’s handling of COVID-19 ‘Dodging bullets’
April 6, 2020
New Spartan legacy in Ocean Township Schools
April 6, 2020
Ocean Township — Local officials are asking that if you have a home in New York and the area, you do not try to move down here to escape the coronavirus,
Mayor Chris Siciliano recently made an announcement for people who have dual residency in Ocean Township and New York.
“We are indeed in very unique and trying times. A pandemic like this can only be won if we all work together and follow all declarations and guidelines set forth by Federal, State and local officials,” he said.
Siciliano said that since New York has become the “hot bed” of COVID-19 infections in the United States, and possibly the world, “The Mayor and Council of Ocean Township are asking that you help us help you by trying to keep Ocean Township a ‘safe and sheltered’ town.” Any dual resident who arrived here in the last 10 days has been asked to quarantine themselves and family for a minimum of 14 days.
“The residents of Ocean Township have been working very hard and making incredible sacrifices to do our part in keeping Ocean as safe as possible; it would be devastating to all of us if individuals breach our safety,” Siciliano said.
Those who have a second home in the township are asked not to come here until the pandemic is over, using technology to stay in touch with friends and relatives instead of physical visits.
“We know by working together we can flatten out our curve and get back to enjoying life as we knew it sooner than later,” Siciliano said.