The Great Food Pantry Pickup
April 21, 2020Dear Neighbors,
In honor of Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, I want to thank everyone working around the clock in very difficult circumstances to ensure medical tests and laboratory work are processed quickly. We couldn’t fight this pandemic without the critical work of our health care and laboratory workers in New Jersey and across the country.
Legislative Update
I called on the Trump Administration to develop a widespread COVID-19 testing strategy as part of its efforts to reopen the economy. I am increasingly concerned about the lack of widespread testing in the United States, and what will happen if social distancing efforts are prematurely eased without robust testing in place to detect the spread of COVID-19. The Trump Administration must develop and release a comprehensive national testing plan that includes increasing diagnostic and serological testing capacity and contact tracing and monitoring with clear benchmarks and timetables.
I also joined other House leaders in calling on the Trump Administration to communicate and detail its decisions about the distribution of medical supplies and personal protective equipment, including ventilators, N95 respirators and protective gowns. In light of recent shortages, it’s important that this Administration operate transparently as it responds to states’ requests for this lifesaving equipment and protection.
Local Announcements
Rutgers is seeking plasma donors for possible COVID-19 antibody treatment. Coronavirus survivors who are interested in donating plasma at University Hospital in Newark can contact the Rutgers and University Hospital COVID-19 Treatment Group at 973-972-5474 or by email at covidplasma@uhnj.org
Marinas, boatyards, and marine manufacturers can remain open for personal use if strict social distancing and sanitization protocols are followed. Chartered watercraft services or rentals are not allowed, and restaurant activity at these sites is limited to take-out or delivery only.
If you have questions about taxes or stimulus checks:
The distribution of federal stimulus checks has begun and will occur automatically with no action required for most people. Adults with annual incomes up to $75,000 will receive $1200, plus another $500 per child. Some Americans earning more than $75,000 would also receive money if they meet certain qualifications. Click here to access the IRS’s online tool to track your payment.
Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file tax returns will not need to do anything to receive a payment. Instead, payments will be automatically deposited into their bank accounts. Social Security recipients who have qualifying children under age 17 should click herehttps://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/get-my-payment
and follow the directions provided by the IRS to receive the additional $500 payment per dependent.
If you do not file a federal tax return, click here https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/non-filers-enter-payment-info-here for more information on how to receive a stimulus check.
The IRS has established a website to answer other questions about direct stimulus checks to taxpayers and to help taxpayers, businesses and others affected by the coronavirus. Click here for more information. https://palloneforms.house.gov/components/redirect/r.aspx?ID=1353-1096566
If you have questions about Small Business Assistance:
The Small Business Administration’s Disaster Loan Assistance guidance: https://palloneforms.house.gov/components/redirect/r.aspx?ID=1354-1096566
COVID-19/Coronavirus Information for New Jersey Businesses: COVID-19/Coronavirus Information for New Jersey Businesses
If you have questions regarding Unemployment Insurance and paid sick leave:
New Jersey’s Department of Labor’s website on paid sick leave and Unemployment Insurance: New Jersey’s Department of Labor’s website on paid sick leave and Unemployment Insurance
If you have questions about job opportunities:
Visit New Jersey’s Jobs Portal https://palloneforms.house.gov/components/redirect/r.aspx?ID=1357-1096566
Employers in critical industries should click here to submit information about openings with urgent hiring needs related to COVID- 19.
If you want to help: https://palloneforms.house.gov/components/redirect/r.aspx?ID=1358-1096566
The State of New Jersey welcomes offers from individuals and businesses that want to help the Garden State. Click here https://palloneforms.house.gov/components/redirect/r.aspx?ID=1359-1096566 for a comprehensive list of ways to help.
Anyone who has personal protective equipment (PPE) they wish to donate like N95 respirators, face shields, protective goggles, surgical masks, or other protective equipment, click here. https://palloneforms.house.gov/components/redirect/r.aspx?ID=1360-1096566
If you know someone who needs food assistance, please visit this website for more information. https://palloneforms.house.gov/components/redirect/r.aspx?ID=1361-1096566
If you have medical training and want to volunteer, click here. https://palloneforms.house.gov/components/redirect/r.aspx?ID=1362-1096566
The best thing we can do during this difficult time is to avoid exposure to the virus, stay at home as much as possible, and avoid non-essential travel. If you have to go outside, keep your distance — stay at least six feet away from others — and wear a cloth face covering.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call my offices directly:
Middlesex County: 732-249-8892
Monmouth County: 732-571-1140
Stay healthy,
Congressman Pallone