Long Branch Council Meeting Thursday
April 29, 2020
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April 29, 2020(LONG BRANCH)- Mayor John Pallone made an announcement Tuesday that the City Council plans on voting to extend property tax payments. A special meeting has been called for Thursday, April 30th at 4pm to enact this new order by resolution.
This comes after the Executive Order No. 130 that Governor Murphy put out on Tuesday which allows municipalities to extend the grace period for property tax payments from May 1st to June 1st. This means that towns can extend the usual 10 day grace period longer, where no interest or penalties can incur, until June 1st. This extension provides much-needed relief to homeowners struggling financially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“When the Governor made this announcement, I immediately called Council President Bill Dangler to let him know this was an option for our city and he agreed with me that this was something we needed to do,” Mayor Pallone stated.
“We understand this is a very difficult time. It is important that our residents know we are there for them and we are in this together,” Council President Bill Dangler said.
For general information, residents can go to longbranch.org or call city hall 732-222-7000. For coronavirus updates, residents can go to longbranch.org/departments/health/coronavirus.
The City of Long Branch is located in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Learn more at www.longbranch.org.
If you would like more information, please contact Lindsay DeAngelis at 732-571-5645 or ldeangelis@longbranch.org