Today’s Coronavirus News for New Jersey Business
May 27, 2020Long Branch Memorial Day remembers fallen Vets
May 29, 2020The State We’re in by Michele S. Byers, Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation
“Raise your hand if you want to be Candy Ashmun when you grow up!”
This was the question posed jokingly at the dedication ceremony for the 4,000-acre Candace McKee Ashmun Preserve at Forked River Mountain in the Pine Barrens. Immediately, dozens of hands shot up in a crowd filled with New Jersey’s conservation leaders.
Of course, everyone wanted to be Candy, who was 86 at that time! She was a hero to all of us: intelligent, fun, energetic, enthusiastic, shrewd, totally dedicated to protecting the environment, and with integrity beyond question. Youthful in mind and spirit, she could accomplish more in a day than most half her age. She was outspoken yet diplomatic, and never hesitated to stand up for what mattered to her. And she could smell a rat, which made for many discussions and lots of laughs.
New Jersey lost one of its most remarkable citizens when Candy passed away last week at the age of 96.
Candy was the last original member of the New Jersey Pinelands Commission, having served for over 40 years. Although she never lived in the Pines, she earned the nickname “the godmother of the Pine Barrens” for her devotion to this incredibly unique and beautiful region of New Jersey.
Candace McKee was born and raised in Oregon, and loved the outdoors and animals. She graduated from Smith College with a degree in physics in 1946, and moved to New Jersey the same year after marrying Charles Ashmun.
While raising their three children, Candy held down many jobs: editor and reporter at a local newspaper, freelance photographer, and water quality researcher and trustee at the Upper Raritan Watershed Association, now known as Raritan Headwaters. Later, she became the first executive director of the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC).
She served on the Bedminster Board of Education, Board of Adjustment and Environmental Commission, and as vice chair of the Far Hills Planning Board.
In 1979, Candy was appointed by Governor Brendan Byrne to the newly-established Pinelands Commission, which oversees more than a million miles of near-wilderness. She later recalled Byrne’s chief of staff telling her, “We need to have a woman and an environmentalist, and you’re it.”
“I just got there and never left,” she said in a 2010 interview. “I fell in love with the Pine Barrens, which is interesting because I came from the Northwest, where the mountains are 11,000 feet and the trees are 200 feet. The Pines are just a very subtle place.”
She always got a kick out of the fact that the Forked River Mountains of Ocean County – where her namesake preserve is located – are only about 200 feet in elevation.
I first met Candy at a job interview in the Pine Barrens when she was the Executive Director of the Association of NJ Environmental Commissions. I will never forget nervously picking my way along a pine needle covered path through a cedar swamp on my way to meet Candy in my only dress.
I was lucky enough to land the job and experience her extraordinary leadership firsthand, her can-do spirit and ability to inspire others. She became a mentor to me and literally hundreds of other young conservationists.
Candy taught me never to give up and to always find a way around every obstacle in the way of a conservation goal, and to be brave. With Candy’s support behind me, I worked as hard as I could to protect the Pines – and lands throughout New Jersey.
Candy believed in a cooperative approach to getting things done. For more than 40 years she organized informal monthly meetings of environmental leaders where anyone could speak their mind in an atmosphere of mutual respect. “It’s much better to sit down and talk than to not talk – or throw arrows at each other,” she said.
There’s much that can be said about Candy: her many years of service on the State Planning Commission, the New Jersey Highlands Coalition, the Coalition for Affordable Housing and the Environment, the Fund for New Jersey, the Crossroads of the American Revolution Association. She was also a longtime volunteer for New Jersey Conservation Foundation!
Philanthropist and poet Scott McVay, an admirer of Candy for many years, read his poem to her at the dedication of the Candace McKee Ashmum Preserve at Forked River Mountain:
From the sky
it’s the only dark spot
at night
in the blaze of Bos-Wash corridor
The Pine Barrens
sitting astride
17 trillion gallons
of pristine water
speckled with quiet plants
subtle things
found along the edge
or beyond
a piney back road:
pink lady slipper,
sandwort spatterdock,
swamp magnolia,
pyxie moss,
broom crowberry,
orange milkwort,
the dragon mouth orchid,
October blue blue gentian.
How big?
One million acres
one fifth of
the Garden,
the densest people-place
on Earth.
How was this great swatch
with four meandering rivers
Well, success has
many mothers.
We name four:
McPhee who wrote the book,
Byrne who read the book
and asked
Franklin Parker
to chair the commission
and Candy Ashmun to hold
the compass.
Let’s hear more about this woman
who stayed with it
valiant, vigilant witness
voice for
the flora and fauna,
patron saint of what
we hold dear
what is endearing,
part of the tough
seeking to stop
the nibbling
away at the edge
even the heart of
the place.
Well, she’s a Yankee,
like Robert Frost, right?
Nay, both are West Coasters,
she from the red zone of Mt. Helena,
after living a decade
in Rio and the mountains.
As the middle one
of three kids,
she felt fatherly pressure
to go to Stanford
but chose to come
East to Northhampton
where she took,
as Shaw put it,
the line of greatest advantage
rather than the path of
least resistance,
by studying physics
to find out why.
As observant as Frost
as warm as toast
as firm as nails,
as witty as May, Elaine May,
the ideal one
to ride shotgun with Franklin
to keep things going
when folks spun
into a blue funk,
the essence of persistence,
the soul of a sacred place
of marshlands and fires
celebrated by Least Heat Moon
in Blue Highways,
where she was going to live
in the mud to see
miracles, undocumented
night moths, majestic cedars,
barred owls hooted in by Emile.
What a difference land use makes!
Who hired matchless Michele?
You know by now.
From the Pinelands, now interwoven
with her DNA,
she learned how ecology works,
& from Franklin,
how people work.
Mother of three,
a teacher, a farmer,
and a fisherman,
with eight grands,
three greats.
We dedicate
The Fork-ed River
Preserve for Candace who never
spoke in forked tongue
but ever led the way.
How we love her!
To learn more about preserving New Jersey’s land and natural resources, visit the New Jersey Conservation Foundation website at or contact me at