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June 11, 2020Today’s Coronavirus News for New Jersey Business
June 11, 2020(Monmouth County), NJ— The League of Women Voters of Monmouth County (LWVMC) reminds the public of changes to the upcoming July 7, 2020, Primary Election due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please note these important dates regarding the upcoming Primary Election:
Ballots are due back to the Board of Elections for counting via hand delivery July 7, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. Mailed ballots must be postmarked by July 7, 2020.
Applications must be received by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office via mail by June 30, 2020, and by hand by 8:00 p.m. on July 7, 2020.
The registration deadline for the upcoming primary election is June 16, 2020. Voter registration forms are available at They must be printed out, signed, and mailed. If voters do not have access to a printer or need assistance, please contact the League of Women Voters of New Jersey at
-All active registered Republicans and Democrats will receive a mail in ballot (based upon the Statewide Voter Registration System).
-All active unaffiliated voters and inactive Republicans and Democrats will receive a mail in ballot application.
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-All ballots and applications are postage paid.
-Limited polling locations will be available on July 7, 2020, Election Day, with only paper provisional ballots for all voters, except machines for disabled voters. Voters will be notified of their polling locations prior to Election Day via postcard from the Monmouth County Clerk.
-Limited drop boxes will be located around the County for ballots. Contact the Monmouth County Board of Elections at 732-431-7802 for polling locations.
-You can register to vote if you are U.S citizen, 17 years old (with the understanding you may not vote before your 18th birthday), have been a resident of your New Jersey county 30 days before the elections, and you are not currently serving a sentence of incarceration for a felony conviction. Remember to re-register to vote if you change your name, address, or complete your sentence of incarceration. People on parole or probation can register to vote.
CDC guidelines for polling place safety and sanitation will be followed. Voters who vote at polling locations will vote using a paper provisional ballot. Voters with disabilities may vote on ADA accessible voting machines. Voters cannot return voted vote-by-mail ballots to polling places.
The League of Women Voters encourages active and informed participation in our democracy. Voters must pay close attention to election changes and deadlines to ensure their voices are heard and their votes count. Please visit for more important election information.