There is so much going on now days. It’s the little events making us happy, at least giving us the illusion that things are trickling back to normal.
As you know restaurants will be able to offer outside dining on June 22, and many are preparing for the opportunity.
West End Farmer’s Market will open on June 18 until October 1, Beach Yoga is available on West End Beach and the 4th Annual Surfing for Vision in August.
There will be hold Long Branch Unity Day for all former athletes on Saturday, June 20 beginning 11am. “Every Year. Every Sport. Wear your green & white.”
Long Branch schedules for local events
Long Branch Police are holding many family oriented contests, with winners awarded gift certificates to several Long Branch restaurants.
Long Branch Police sponsored contests
Ocean Township has brought back Drive in Movies at Joe Palaia Park. In May they showed The Lion King to a socially distanced field full of car. It was a great experience for families who could bring their own snacks. Audio was piped in over a special radio station.
The next movie will be Grease, Thursday, June 18 starting 8:30. The Moroccan Shepherders band will play June 27th.
More Ocean info here
On Saturday, June 27 West Long Branch will be holding a recycling event at the Borough Hall on Broadway, 8am – 12pm. You can bring old electronics, shredding, eyeglasses for the Lions Club, American Flags to be properly disposed, used sneakers and food for the WLB Lutheran Church of the Reformation. Please observe social distancing.
Photos from around the area
In a large fenced off area at the Consumer Center in West Long Branch there are two sinkholes being worked on.
Social distancing is easy while fishing at Franklin Lake in West Long Branch.
A line forms in front of WindMill in West End, also at the WindMill in Ursula Plaza in North Long Branch. This day the Blue Angels motorcycle club took time to stop for lunch.
St. Luke’s Church on Broadway, Long Branch gives out boxes of food during the pandemic. They are looking for volunteers to help with filling boxes.
Long Branch Police Officer Tracy Widdis noticed sheep in someone’s front yard. Yep, sheep.
L-R Ocean Township Councilman David Fisher, DC.,Councilman Robert V. Acerra, Sr., Mayor Christopher P. Siciliano, Deputy Mayor John P. Napolitani, Sr., and Councilwoman Margie Donlon, MD at the May 28, 2020 Movie Night at Palaia Park in Ocean. The next movie night will show Grease.
Nordin Cabinates, which was owned by Linda and Jim Nordin, who have retired and sold the building, is getting a new look.
Nada, owner of Rocky Mountain Chocolate, has been open during the pandemic. She has been taking orders on the phone and meeting people for pickup at her front door.
Mike Britton is still selling hotdogs on Broadway and Slocum Place. He sells his famous hotdogs with homemade topping like chile, potatoes and coleslaw…and the usual.
This home in Monmouth Beach used to be owned by Jim Garrett, who has passed away. His son James is moving in and is having the house raised. Big job!
The new Class I Seasonal Officers are eager to meet you this summer! Due to the current pandemic, the Academy was closed and training was delayed for these Officers. They are seen here getting familiar with their posts and being trained on their bicycles by Det. Oliveira, Cpl. Fannining and Ptl. Vecchione. They will also complete additional training of handcuffing, OC (pepper spray) and more. Once we get the official okay, they will complete their mandatory academy hours and be able to report for duty! Be sure to wave hello when you see them riding through the City or walking along the beachfront! #LongBranchPD
These notices have been on posted on local Facebook pages. Please be advised that the Haverfield Aviation will be the helicopter company assisting in the inspections on all Jersey Central Power and Light Transmission Lines on or around June 16th and June 17th , weather permitting. The helicopter will be flying at a speed of about 35-40 mph above or alongside the lines and may circle around for a closer inspection. The pilot will be in communication with any local Airports, when in their airspace. The helicopter is Black MD500 helicopter with red tail number N500LK.
Barriers line Brighton Ave in West End ready to block off the street so tables can be set up for outside dining. Second Ave will be open.
Fran, owner of Bacon Beach Grill in North Long Branch, is measuring the distance of the tables in preparation for outside dining.
On Saturday, June 20 there will be a peaceful protest at Long Branch High School at the Historic High School on Westwood Ave beginning 11:am
Georgiana and Julius Zweig of West Long Branch celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with their family. A parade of cars met at Old First United Methodist Church and did a drive by with honking horns, balloons and signs showing their love for the couple. People were asked to bring food for the church foodbank.