Notice of Eatontown Council meeting date change
June 18, 2020Monmouth County has 8,915 positive cases of COVID-19
June 18, 2020By Walter J. O’Neill, Jr
Monmouth Beach – It was announced at the virtual public meeting of the Board of Education that they officially appointed a new Chief School Administrator (superintendent/principal) on June 17.
“It was the fastest meeting of my tenure as we had just one agenda item,” said Leo Decker, President of the Board.
Jessica Alfone grew up in Oceanport and was a graduate and field hockey player at Shore Regional High School. She is the current Director of Staff Development and Special Programs for the Middletown Township Public Schools, and will take the reins of the Monmouth Beach Public Schools starting in July 2020.
“We had 65 resumes for the position. Of those we interviewed 18 and narrowed that down to five,” said Decker. Those five finalists were then presented to the entire board and they selected Alfone. “We loved that she had experience as a principal; three-years at River Plaza School in Middletown and one-year at Frank Antonides in West Long Branch. She has been in her current position in Middletown for the past four-years,” Decker said. He added that they also found her experience as part of the Middletown Teacher Ready District Leadership Team and the programs that she developed MTPS were a bonus.
Alfone was given a three-year contract with a starting salary of $157,500.00. She will replace Michael Ettore, who is leaving Monmouth Beach as he accepted the job as superintendent in Little Silver. “We are extremely happy to have Jessica here in Monmouth Beach, she is a local girl who is highly regarded within the education community,” Decker said.