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WHEREAS, Compliance is required with P.L. 1975, c. 231, with regard to the posting and publication of the Annual Notice.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following changes to the Annual Notice be adopted, published and posted as prescribed.
Pursuant to P.L. 1975, c.231, notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Oceanport School District has
moved to a Committee Structure to include the following committees:
• Education, Technology, Curriculum, Instruction Committee”
•Policy Committee”
• Personnel Committee”
• Finance Committee”
• Buildings & Grounds Committee
WHEREAS, P.L. 1975, c. 231, was amended by P.L.2020, c.11. (A3850/S2294) and approved by the Governor on March 20, 2020, permitting that during a period declared as a state of emergency a public body shall be permitted to perform any of the following by means of communication or other electronic equipment: conduct a meeting and any public business to be conducted thereat, cause a meeting to be open to the public, vote, or receive public comment without being deemed to have violated the provision of P.L.1975, c.231 (C.10:4-6 et seq.) in performingsuch functions by means of communication or other electronic equipment.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Oceanport School District will hold the following meetings, including public comment, remotely through the use of electronic equipment:
REVISED 2020 Oceanport Board of Education Remote Regular Meeting Dates
July 22, 2020
August 17, 2020 – Special Meeting Board of Education Retreat
August 26, 2020
September 30, 2020
October 28, 2020
November 18, 2020
December 16, 2020
2020 Oceanport Board of Education Cancelled Committee of the Whole Meeting Dates
July 15, 2020
August 12, 2020
September 23, 2020
October 14, 2020
All scheduled meetings are open to the public. Formal action may be taken at all Regular Action Meetings and Special Meetings. At all Regular Meetings and Special Meetings, the Board reserves the right to retire into Executive Session, and to exclude the public from such portions of the meetings in accordance with the P.L. 1975, c.231, upon adoption of a conforming Board Resolution for Executive Session.
Any changes/additional meetings scheduled will be noticed in the Asbury Park Press, The Link or on the District website https://www.oceanport.k12.nj.us/
07/3/2020 $25