Freiman, Mukherji, Mazzeo & Downey Bill to Allow Conversion and Domestication of Businesses in New Jersey Passes Assembly
August 5, 2020Local Real Estate sold from 7-27-20 to 8-3-20
August 6, 2020President Trump will be visiting Elberon on Sunday, for a fundraiser costing $250,000 a plate at the home of the Chera family, Ocean Ave. Stanly Chera, a good friend of Trump, died of COVID in April.
Click for Osprey Video for President’s arrival taken by Baily Bastelli
On Wednesday residents close to Truax Field in Elberon section of Long Branch on Park Ave. videoed four impressive military planes taking off from Truax Field. Most likely the Ospreys were practicing for President Trump’s arrival on Sunday.
They were also seen flying low over Ocean Twp. to the amazement of residents watching from their yards and in the street.