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September 2, 2020
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September 3, 2020The Rotary Club of Greater Long Branch has been donating money to local food pantries monthly for the last 6 months with the help of Investors Bank, the Long Branch Rotary Foundation, and Rotary District 7505 to help them keep up with the demand for food created by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The total donations made to local food pantries come to over $10,000. The Club will be continuing it’s fundraiser for at least the balance of 2020.
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If you would like to help us please donate by credit card click on link: https://www.crsadmin.com/EventPortal/Registrations/PublicFill/EventPublicFill.aspx?evtid=81df0a31-3dd3-45fb-9c15-980e2c4f42d8 or by check to Long Branch Rotary Club, P.O. Box 3094, Long Branch, NJ 07740.
- Club President Fatima Camacho presented check for $400 to Mary Jensen, St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at St. Michael’s Church. (L-R: Pastor John Butler, Rene and Jack Vrignola, Mary Jensen, Rotary Club President Fatima Camacho)
- Rotary Club of Greater Long Branch President Fatima Camacho presenting check for $400 to Donna Cetrulo for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry at Christ the King Parish.