Virtual 45th Annual NJ Clearwater Festival
September 6, 2020Mischievous Dream splits horses in deep stretch
September 7, 2020The Long Branch Free Public Library will present a virtual Suicide Awareness Program for hospital medical personnel and first responders at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 8. Adult Services Librarian Janet Birckhead will serve as the moderator.
The panelists, in alphabetical order, are: Tina Booth, Community Outreach Specialist at Monmouth Medical Center, Sgt. Antonia Gonzalez of the Long Branch Police Department, Bradley Jacobs, LCSW, for the Veterans Affairs New Jersey Health Care System, and Stephanie Samuels, founder and director of CopLine.
If you are a doctor, a nurse, or a first responder who is finding dealing with the stresses of your work particularly stressful in this time of pandemic, please join us for what promises to be an informative and hopeful program. If you are a first responder who has noticed a co-worker having difficulty dealing with stress, encourage your co-worker to attend this program or attend it yourself so that you will have information that you can pass on to that co-worker.
Pre-registration is required. Call Janet Birckhead at (732) 222-3900, ext. 2360 or email her at jbirckhead.lbpl@gmail.com. It’s not too late!