26-year old trainer Lynck seeking first career winner in Saturday’s Mr. Prospector Stakes
September 10, 2020
New garbage truck for LB – It’s huge
September 11, 2020Jackson Woods was alive and full of activity all summer long. Volunteers weekly weeded and planted and tended gardens at all 4 entrances. The scouts, led by Levester Burnley, hiked the trails and selected spots for their beautiful miniature bug houses.
Our lady bug sanctuary was installed and was a big hit on both nights of Explore Jackson Woods sponsored by the Long Branch Recreation Department. A big thank you to Shannon Bruno, the Friends of Jackson Woods, who assisted both nights, and the ladies of the Audubon Society who led bird expeditions through the park. Add to that a unique scavenger hunt to locate park landmarks, rock painting, bagel bird feeders and snacks and you can understand why so many kids asked if we could do this again.
This week’s Fine Fare specials!
The park is now host to a multitude of dog walkers, picnicking, and families who heard about the transformation and wanted to see it for themselves.
Our next big project will be the Monarch Waystation. We need to prepare the area, add soil, remove some dead trees and choose the best native plants pollinators will love.
The trails are still a work in progress and DEP is still holding us up. At the moment they seem to feel the gazebo needs to be moved, the stone driveway removed, and there is also a question regarding the bridges. If anyone can help with this holdup it would be greatly appreciated. Eighteen months is a long wait time. Also anyone who knows of grant money available to do work around the the pond and cleanup the waterways so they flow more freely please help us out. We also need grants to acquire sculptures, a water fountain, unique benches, garbage and recycling cans, a dog waste station and invasive species cleanup.
Ace Hardware carries bird feeders, bird seed, and don’t forget paint!
Mark your calendars for October 17 or 18. More information to follow, but in coordination with the Recreation Department and the Department of Public Works we are working on setting up a park cleanup day.
Jackson Woods is a work in progress, a real community asset for passive recreation, and its future is looking very promising, but we need donations, and community support to continue the transformation. At the moment we have community support, we just need funds.
Enjoy the Fall weather. Hope you can find time for a stroll through Jackson Woods and see for yourself the metamorphosis.
Friends of Jackson Woods