“Oyster Point of View” this Sunday
September 14, 2020
The timeless tale of monarch butterfly migration
September 14, 2020
"We are out here fixing the problems of the World" said Steve Levine on Saturday afternoon outside the WindMill in Ursula Plaza, North Long Branch. Dining, are Father Butler of St. Michael's Church, Assistant Priest Father Nillo, who is also a Catholic Chaplain at Monmouth University and Doroth O'Hara, coordinator of volunteers at St. Michaels. Father Butler wanted people to know they offer a drive through mass, Saturdays and Sundays, and go to Stmichaelnj.com for more information. He then added "Let's go Mets!" and was answered with some grumbling from Yankee fans.
- “We are out here fixing the problems of the World” said Steve Levine on Saturday afternoon outside the WindMill in Ursula Plaza, North Long Branch. Dining, are Father Butler of St. Michael’s Church, Assistant Priest Father Nillo, who is also a Catholic Chaplain at Monmouth University and Doroth O’Hara, coordinator of volunteers at St. Michaels. Father Butler wanted people to know they offer a drive through mass, Saturdays and Sundays, and go to Stmichaelnj.com for more information. He then added “Let’s go Mets!” and was answered with some grumbling from Yankee fans.
- Lara Brody and Anthony Mincieli of Ocean Twp. dine outside at the Sitting Duck on Oceanport Ave in Long Branch. From the Sitting Duck, standing, are David Gamez, owner Michael Schodlkopf and Allan Griffith.
- Don’t forget to check in to find out dates of the IAMA’s Italian dinner night. Their last one they were offering meatball and sausage sanwiches. A big hit!dwiches
- United Methodist Church on Atlantic Ave, Long Branch is another location for families to pick up food. Many volunteers joined Maria Novoa Jones, Patricia Walsh and Pastor Federico Quezado.