Gopal, Beach bills to promote shared services advance
September 22, 2020
Arnone Report
September 22, 2020- 501 total participants,
- 70% team members, an increase of 23% over last year
- 36 total teams, from 36 U.S. States & 6 countries raised close to $35,000
- The largest team for both fundraising and members = Team Run #BFE, (Best Family Ever) with 70 participants
- Largest Individual Fundraiser: Pete McQuaid – Charity Heroes for Brain Cancer Research = $7,700
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Names InauguralKortney Rose Foundation Clinical Research Position
On June 25, 2020 The Kortney Rose Foundation was excited to announce that Dr. Cassie Kline has been named the inaugural Kortney Rose Foundation Clinical Researcher in Neuro-Oncology at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
“It is unacceptable to me that after decades of research, we are still forced to give our patients and families news of incurable brain tumors with no standard of care therapy. In joining the Brain Tumor Center within the Division of Oncology at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and representing KRF as the first-ever KRF Clinical Research in Neuro-Oncology, I look forward to growing treatment options for children and young adults with central nervous system tumors.
Within the rich environment of CHOP, I am excited to expand KRF’s impact by bringing together basic scientists, neurosurgeons, collaborators within the Children’s Brain Tumor Network, colleagues within our Brain Tumor Center, and across consortia to expand novel therapies and create rapid pipelines to bring them to patients. I am confident that by building such robust collaborations, we will make great advances towards finding new cures,” said Cassie Kline, MD, MAS Attending Physician, Director, Neuro-Oncology Clinical Research, Kortney Rose Foundation Clinical Researcher, Division of Oncology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Director of Data Quality and Integration, Pacific Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium (