Philadelphia man gets 19 years for Ocean Twp robbery
October 1, 2020
Oceanport BOE notice of special meeting
October 1, 2020Celebrate Halloween 2020 with a Spook Your House Decorating Contest, a Jittery Joyride, Drive-through Treats & a Drive-in Movie!
Ocean households are invited to decorate their homes for Halloween and enter the Spook Your House decorating contest. Your neighbors will view the decorated homes by taking a Jittery Joyride and vote for their favorites.
The Jittery Joyride ends at the Mike Cernigliaro Fairgrounds in Joe Palaia Park, where visitors will drive through for Halloween treats and enjoy Casper on the big outdoor screen. Space is limited at the park, so sign up today!
Here’s how it works:
- Decorate your house and register at DriveYouBatty.com
- Register for the drive-in treats/movie:register.CommunityPass.net/OceanTwp
- Open the Monster Map on DriveYouBatty.com and take a Jittery Joyride to tour the decorated houses from 5 to 7 pm
- Choose your favorites-prizes will be awarded!
- Joe Palaia Park opens at 7 pm for drive-through treats. Gates close at 7:45.
- Drive in movie (Casper) starts at 8 pm
Just A Few House Rules…
- Most importantly, follow social distance guidelines.
- Bring your own snacks – Take home your trash!
- No pets are permitted at the Mike Cernigliaro Fairgrounds.
- Port-O-Potty will be available – Wear a mask when visiting.
- NJ engine idling laws limit vehicles to no more than 3 minutes of idling.
- Be courteous and follow directions from volunteers.
- Remain in your parking spot after the movie – An usher will direct you to the exit