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October 30, 2020FREEHOLD – Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon is advising Monmouth County voters of important information as we approach the State-mandated Nov. 3, General Election. The State has mandated the 2020 General Election be conducted primarily by mail-in ballots, which were sent to all active registered voters.
Clerk Hanlon is reminding that voting a mail-in ballot is the best voting option this year due to the limited polling locations with provisional paper ballot voting only on Election Day, except for voters with disabilities who will have access to voting machines.
If a voter has not received a ballot, or has destroyed or discarded his or her mail-in ballot, a replacement mail-in ballot can be obtained by visiting the County Clerk’s Election Office at 300 Halls Mill Road in Freehold Township prior to 8 p.m. on Nov. 3, Election Day.
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The Monmouth County Clerk’s Election Office and the Monmouth County Board of Elections are located at 300 Halls Mill Road in Freehold. The normal business hours of the County Clerk’s Election Office are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to issue mail-in ballots. The normal business hours of the County Board of Elections for hand delivering completed mail-in ballots is Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Monmouth County Clerk’s Election Office and the Monmouth County Board of Elections will have extended office hours on Fri. Oct. 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sat., Oct. 31 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Tue., Nov. 3, Election Day from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
It is important to note that if a person is serving as an authorized messenger to pick up another voter’s replacement ballot, the “Request Replacement Ballot Form” must be completed and signed by both the voter and messenger. The form can be downloaded from our website at MonmouthCountyVotes.com.
Ballot Delivery and Deadlines:
Completed mail-in ballots can be returned to the County Board of Elections via U.S. Postal Service mail, secure drop box, in-person at 300 Halls Mill Road in Freehold, or on Election Day to a polling location. Drop box and polling locations can be found online at MonmouthCountyVotes.com.
If hand delivering a ballot to one of the County’s secure drop boxes, the Board of Elections Office or to a polling location, the ballot must be delivered by the close of the polls, Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. If returning a ballot via the U.S. Postal Service, the ballot must be postmarked by Nov. 3. However, at this point in time, county election officials recommend that voters do not return their ballots via U.S. Postal Service mail due to the short timeframe for delivery, but rather use one of the drop box or “in-person” options.
Election Day Voting at the Polls:
On Election Day, pursuant to the State mandate, polling locations will be limited, and voting machines will only be available for those with disabilities. All other voters who want to vote in person at polling places will have to vote on paper. These paper ballots, known as provisional ballots, will be verified and counted after all mail-in ballots are counted.
Voters with disabilities or who need an accessible ballot, should contact the County Clerk’s Office at 732-431-7790, or may go to their assigned 2020 General Election polling place, which will provide access to an in-person accessible voting device on General Election Day.
If a voter has not yet returned a mail-in ballot, he or she can still go to the polls on Nov. 3, Election Day to vote on a paper provisional ballot. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and the polling locations can be found on MonmouthCountyVotes.com.
On Election Day, a voter also has the option of hand delivering his or her own ballot at his or her assigned polling location.
Voters with questions should contact the County Clerk’s Election Office during normal business hours by phone to 732-431-7790 or email to ClerkofElections@co.monmouth.nj.us.
For more information regarding the General Election, please visit MonmouthCountyVotes.com or download the free Monmouth County Votes mobile app.