Adorable Adoptables from the Monmouth County SPCA
December 1, 2020
Monmouth County has 309 additional positive cases of COVID-19
December 1, 2020The Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County presents a Zoom presentation, Shalom Bollywood: The Untold Story of Indian Cinema, between Tuesday, December 22 at 6 PM and Friday, December 25 at 6 PM. To make a reservation, please call the Museum at 732-252-6990. You will receive a Zoom link which is good for viewing the film at any time of your choosing between the dates and times noted. All donations are appreciated
This feature length documentary celebrates the singing and dancing history of the world’s largest film industry. It reveals the unlikely story of the 2000-year-old Indian Jewish community and its formative place in shaping this industry.
When Indian cinema began 100 years ago, it was taboo for Hindu and Islamic women to perform on screen, so Indian Jewish women, who were more liberal and progressive, took on female roles, which they then dominated for decades. However, because of their stage names, people thought they were Muslims or Christians. Until now…
Gladstone Advisor – Checkups are good for your financial health
Shalom Bollywood tells its tale through the lives of nice Jewish girls who became icons at the heart of Indian cinema from the turn of the 20th century to the present day.
Funding has been made possible in part by a general operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a Division of the Department of State, through grant funds administered by the Monmouth County Historical Commission.
For more information, please call the Museum at 732-252-6990, or visit www.jhmomc.org. The Jewish Heritage Museum is located in the Mounts Corner Shopping Center, at 310 Mounts Corner Drive Freehold, NJ, at the corner of Route 537 and Wemrock Road (between the CentraState Medical Center and Freehold Raceway Mall). It is on the second floor of the historic Levi Solomon Barn. The JHMOMC is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Although not currently open to the public, the Museum is handicapped and assistive-listening accessible.