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March 4, 2021Monmouth Civic Chorus is delighted to announce its annual scholarship auditions for vocally talented New Jersey high school seniors planning to pursue higher education. Due to Covid-19, auditions will be held virtually. The application deadline is April 15, 2021, and the audition deadline is April 29, 2021. Winners will be announced May 13, 2021. There is no fee to apply.
For details and to access the application form, visit:
You may email scholarship@monmouthcivicchorus.org or call Jenni Blumenthal, Scholarship Committee Chair, at 732-264-8482 with questions.
$3500 in scholarship funds will be available to award to students of outstanding vocal promise. Contestants must perform two selections from the standard vocal repertoire (opera, operetta, art songs, oratorio, or Gilbert and Sullivan), with at least one selection in Italian, French, or German. Show music is not acceptable. Contestants will be judged on technique, choice of material, poise, and musicianship.
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In 2019, four vocally talented students were awarded scholarships: Alexa Chalnick of Freehold won First Place, and Alexis Pappas of Short Hills won Second Place. Emmalee Lafean of Basking Ridge and Madison Wicker of Brick both received an honorable mention.
Anyone interested in donating to the MCC Scholarship Fund should visit monmouthcivicchorus.org/public/ways-to-give/ or call (732) 933-9333.
Event Summary:
Event title: Monmouth Civic Chorus Scholarship Auditions
Application deadline: April 15, 2021. There is no fee to apply.
Audition deadline: April 29, 2021
Winners announced: May 13, 2021
Details and application: monmouthcivicchorus.org/public/scholarships/, e-mail scholarship@monmouthcivicchorus.org, or call Scholarship Committee Chair Jenni Blumenthal at 732-264-8482.
About Monmouth Civic Chorus: The Monmouth Civic Chorus has been called “near-flawless” (Asbury Park Press), “alive and evocative” (The Star-Ledger) and “superior” (Red Bank Green). The Chorus is the proud recipient of the 2008 ASCAP/Chorus America Alice Parker Award, the 2010 Spinnaker Award for Arts and Culture from the Eastern Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce, and a third-place winner of the 2018-19 American Prize Ernst Bacon Memorial Award for the Performance of American Music.
About Ryan James Brandau: Artistic Director Ryan James Brandau has broad experience conducting a variety of choral and orchestral ensembles. In addition to his work with Monmouth Civic Chorus, he serves as Artistic Director of Princeton Pro Musica and Amor Artis, a chamber choir and orchestra in New York City. He has also served on the faculty of Westminster Choir College, where he has worked with the Symphonic Choir, which he has prepared for performances with the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Vienna Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, and the New Jersey Symphony. He remains active as a choral arranger, composer, and clinician, whose arrangements and compositions have been featured by choral ensembles across the globe. Ryan received the Doctor of Musical Arts and Master of Music degrees from the Yale School of Music. Prior to pursuing graduate study in conducting, Ryan attended the University of Cambridge in the UK as a Gates Scholar, earning an M.Phil. in historical musicology. He received his B.A. in music, magna cum laude, from Princeton University.