May programs at the Long Branch Library
April 27, 2021
Monmouth County has 99 additional positive cases of COVID-19
April 29, 2021
Wood chips were spread, trash was cleaned up particularly by the Long Branch Ave entrance to the park, a beautiful brick walkway was created under the expert direction of Mario Vieira in the butterfly garden, the bug house has a new home, gardens were weeded and the Butterfly Garden is ready for planting during the Corporate Challenge volunteer day on Friday.
Soon the trails will be started. The park looks beautiful thanks to all of you. Those of you who haven’t seen the transformation please find time to stroll through the park and consider making a donation to the Monmouth Conservation Foundation earmarked for Jackson Woods beautification. Enjoy the beautiful weather this week and please consider volunteering for garden work this summer. Thank you everyone for whatever help and support you can offer. We look forward to continued improvements in the park.
Kathy Buchan
Friends of Jackson Woods
908 581 7834