Hostage situation on Chelsea Ave, Long Branch comes to an end
November 7, 2021
Wave looked unstoppable – and were
November 8, 2021I am humbled to announce that with a comfortable enough lead of over 2,000 votes ahead and less than 1,500 votes to be counted, I can formally declare victory.
This year was a Republican tidal wave that saw many of our great local elected officials in Monmouth County and across the state defeated. These were strong public servants and my heart goes out to them and their communities.
I am fortunate to have the opportunity to continue serving Monmouth County after Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli won our county by nearly 20 points. As Democrats, we must learn from our mistakes, turn the page, and build towards a future in which our message resonates with a wider share of the electorate. In turn, I will continue to firmly advocate for a return to civility in our politics. Name-calling, partisan bickering, and misleading attacks will not solve any of the problems that our residents face in their day-to-day lives. It’s time for a new generation of leaders to stand up, bring us back together, and deliver results for working families.
My friends and colleagues Assemblymembers Houghtaling and Downey are in a very tight election, by hundreds of votes. I hope that when all votes are counted, they will be successful. They are incredible public servants who have the courage to put people over politics, and have represented Monmouth County very well. Congratulations to all the winners and all those who ran great races.
A special thanks to all of our volunteers, supporters, staff, donors and everyone who worked countless hours to help us come out on top.
Thank you for everything,