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Scott Poyner and Chamber President Pauline Poyner with Johnny Pianconne.
By Patty Booth O’Neill – After being postponed last year due to COVID, A Taste of Long Branch, sponsored by the Greater Long Branch Chamber of Commerce went off with a bang on Monday night at Rooney’s Oceanfront Restaurant. Hundreds of guests roamed around the room sampling delicious food from local restaurants.
“This turned out to be a wonderful event,” said Chamber President Pauline Poyner. “The food is amazing and I’m so happy to see people out enjoying themselves.”
Live music by Chris Morrissey kept the crowd entertained by performing popular songs that had people singing along, especially when he was joined by Jake Jones to sing a duet of My Girl originally sung by the Temptations.
Click here to listen to Jake and Chris
Chamber Director Michael Sirianni was pleased with how the event went so smoothly. “Everything turned out great,” he said. “This could only have happened with the help of chamber volunteers, especially after having to cancel last year due to COVID. I’m very grateful,” he added.
Taste of Long Branch Menu
Johnny Pianconne’s featured a pasta dish with sauteed mushrooms; Ocean Place had herb polenta and then homemade truffles for dessert; Cookie Bear in Pier Village offered an assortment of fresh baked cookies; Rooney’s, had tuna bruschetta with an Asian flavor; The MIX spooned out their famous lobster mac and cheese; White Chapel Projects was testing a new appetizer of artichoke stuffed pretzels; Tuzzio’s offered Grandma meatballs and, of course, their Italian mix salad; Mar Belo’s was handing out pulled short ribs with mashed potatoes; the Windmill with their famous hot dogs and McLoone’s.
If you’re interested in attending next year keep your calendar open for around the same time. If you would like to showcase your restaurant at The Taste of Long Branch call the Chamber at 732-222-0400.
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