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March 9, 2022
Pallone’s Community Projects for New Jersey’s 6th Congressional District Pass House
March 10, 2022OAKHURST – On Thursday, March 24 at 7:30pm, Congregation Torat El will hold the next event of its popular and innovative “Meet the Author” series… via Zoom.
In American Baby, A Mother, A child, and the Shadow History of Adoption, Gabrielle Glaser writes the powerful and shocking truth about postwar adoption in America through the bittersweet story of teenager Margaret Erle, the son she was forced to give up, and their search to find each other. Adoption agencies and other organizations that purported to help pregnant women, but then engaged in unethical behavior and shamed millions of young women into surrendering their children. The author writes a story millions of Americans share – one of loss, love, and the search for identity. As closed adoption records are being challenged nationwide, American Baby shows a path to healing the wounds inflicted by years of shame and secrecy.
Gabrielle Glaser is a best-selling author and journalist whose work has appeared in The New York Times, The Daily Beast, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic and many other publications. She has also appeared on national radio and television programs, including NBC and ABC.
Buy your copies of this book from Bookshop.org (to support independent bookstores) or amazon.com (remember to use your Amazon Smile account if you have one that supports your local congregation.)
There is no charge for this event but registration is required at:
HYPERLINK “https://www.torat-el.org/events/meet-the-author-gabrielle-glaser/” https://www.torat-el.org/events/meet-the-author-gabrielle-glaser/.
Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email. You will also receive an event reminder the week of March 21. Both will include the Zoom link and password.
This ongoing series has been made possible by a generous grant from the B’nai Sholom/Beth El Foundation.