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The Easter Bunny with Long Branch Chamber of Commerce members & Chamber Director Ally Martin (far right).
It was a chilly day on Sunday, but the annual Easter egg hunt went on as usual, much to the delight of so many happy kids.
On Saturday the Easter Bunny was supposed to ride around Long Branch on a firetruck, but it was such a rainy, cold day the bunny couldn’t make it. But Sunday was a clear day, and the much anticipated hunt happened due to the combined efforts of The Greater Long Branch Chamber of Commerce, Long Branch Fire Dept, City of Long Branch, Lakeland Bank, LB Recreation Dept., Long Branch Police, DJ Manny Itzol and many volunteers!
Hay was spread out in a fenced off area with colorful eggs hidden throughout. The two year olds were adorable but it was much more fun watching the parents yelling, “The eggs are right there! Pick them up! You’re standing on them!”
The older kids were much more focused, in a zone of their own, mostly interested in finding the golden egg for the prize.
“This is so much fun,” said Chamber Director Ally Martin watching the event. “I can’t wait to do it again next year.”
There were three age groups and each had two winner for finding the golden egg and collecting the most eggs. The prizes were a stuffed bunny and a box of chocolate covered Oreos donated by Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. The older groups received a giant chocolate bunny weighing over 1 lb. All kids found eggs with prizes inside and received a solid chocolate bunny from Old Monmouth Chocolates.
“This turned out to be such a nice day,” said Long Branch Mayor John Pallone. “So many families showed up, and the weather turned out to be perfect for the egg hunt.”
Lisa Kelly from the Long Branch Library was handing out sunglasses for watching the solar eclipse on April 8. “You can pick up a free pair at the library on Bath Ave,” Lisa wanted people to know. The next solar eclipse with be in August 2044.
“It was a great day of festive fun! DJ Manny was a hit and thank you so much to our sponsors and volunteers,” said Director Ally.
- Alice Kessler is ready to hand out chocolate Easter Bunnies at the Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt.
- 03-24-24 Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt.
- 03-24-24 Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt.
- DJ Danny Itzol kept everyone entertained and the information coming.
- The Greater Long Branch Public Library is giving out free solar eclipse sunglasses so you can watch the solar eclipse to occur on April 8th. Go to the library, 131 Bath Ave to get your free pair!
- 03-24-24 Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt.
- 03-24-24 Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt.
- 03-24-24 Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt.
- 03-24-24 Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt.
- 03-24-24 Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt.
- 03-24-24 Long Branch Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt.