Squan Beats Spartans 7-2
May 2, 2024
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May 2, 2024Mrs. Amy Steckhahn, District Special Education Coach, led a team of teachers and staff at Wayside School on a mission of inclusion that is the first of its kind in Ocean Township! Over 100 students in kindergarten through fourth grade participated, with their parent’s permission. No student has been turned away!
Each week, students were selected by teachers to be peer models or “buddies” to students with special needs. Students were provided an introductory team meeting in the fall, signed up with parent consent, and rotated through three different related arts classes throughout the school year. When Spartan Buddies communicate with one another, they use words, sign language, communication devices, and non-verbal gestures.
Wayside School was specifically chosen to pilot this program because of its neurodiversity. This school houses several classrooms with a self-contained model for instruction. Spartan Buddies challenged Wayside School students to engage with and embrace their neurodiverse student population.
Students with varying abilities continue to learn to work together, communicate effectively, and build positive peer relationships alongside one another in special area classes. With the support of our staff, students make connections to their peers, which they apply to other parts of their school day such as at recess, in the cafeteria and on the buses. Together, these outcomes foster a strong, inclusive, and empowering school community at Wayside School, making it a place for ALL.
Since the program started, staff are noticing a stronger school culture and more inclusive play at recess. They are seeing more peer support with instructional tasks and improved socialization and communication skills among peers. Student leadership opportunities have increased. There is an obvious increase in acceptance and a decrease in teasing and bullying incidents.
The entire staff at Wayside School participated in this initiative, but a select group helped in the leadership:
Mrs. Amy Steckhahn, District Special Education Coach
Mrs. Kathy Hackler, Wayside Librarian
Mrs. Amanda Kmiec, Wayside Music Teacher
Mrs. Emily Lee, Wayside Art Teacher
Ms. Denise Palaia, Principal
Wayside Staff-teachers and instructional assistants
Parents get weekly emails summarizing the Spartan Buddies experiences and Wayside School Principal, Ms. Denise Palaia gives shout outs to “Incredible Includers” each Monday on the morning announcements. In the future, the Spartan Buddies leadership team is seeking ways to bring this program to other schools in the district with the goal of each school offering an inclusionary experience for students and fostering a stronger school culture.