Letter to the Editor from Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon
October 24, 2024
Long Branch BOE Candidates Speak at Forum: Questions & Answers
October 26, 2024
L-R-Jason DeSantis, Joseph M. Ferraina, current BOE vice president, Raymond Garland, Violeta Peters – current BOE president, Dominic Sama, & Jon R. Zimmerman showed up for the LB BOE Forum at the Long Branch Portuguese Club on Tuesday evening.
Patty Booth O’Neill
There were two no-shows, (Michael Zimmermann and Julio A. Rivas) to the dismay of the audience, and a couple of “gotcha” questions, but mostly candidates were there to speak about what they have to offer the Long Branch school system.
Questions like transgender bathrooms, the locker room situations and how many BOE meetings have you been to caught mosts off guard, but did lead to a long “Why is that?” conversation. Most agreed the dancing and singing children and maybe the school band should be brought back as entertainment. Some in the audience murmured that free food would do the trick to fill empty seats.
The audience could not speak but could write questions on an index card that Moderator Marcia W. Brown, who was no-nonsense, fair and kept everyone to their time limit, would ask the candidates. Most were general questions aimed at all, some to a specific person.
There are six people trying to fill three seats available (listed in the caption on the right. A one-year unexpired term seat available (to replace someone who is retiring) with two people, Sama and Jon Zimmerman, vying for that seat.
The full story will be posted soon