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December 15, 2024
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December 19, 2024
Kids were excited to meet Santa at the OEM on Union Ave.
You can’t have too many visits with Santa before he actually arrives on Christmas Day… according to excited kids.
Santa visited Long Branch throughout the month of December, though he showed up at the end of November for the first tree lighting in Pier Village. After that Long Branch held its tree lighting on Dec. 2nd between the Library and City Hall with songs performed by Long Branch students.
Santa was seen all over the streets of Long Branch, being chauffeured around on a firetruck, waving to everyone he passed. Over the course of the week children were able to tell him their wishes twice at the Long Branch Senior Center, the LB Cultural & Arts Center, Union Ave. OEM center and the Firehouse Museum.
At the OEM building, with the help of many volunteers and Long Branch Recreation, unwrapped toys were collected leading up to the season by the Long Branch Chamber of Commerce and then handed out to families who had registered for Saturday’s distribution.

Long Branch students performed on the stage set up on Broadway.
Later that day Santa arrived at Firehouse Museum on Atlantic Ave. along with many craft vendors. It was a great event to get Christmas shopping done.
On Saturday morning Figli Di Colombo Club on S. Seventh Ave, Long Branch had Santa greeting children of members.
Beginning December 20, but with the grand opening on December 21 the Rotary Club of Greater Long Branch See Event List , along with The West End Arts Center, 132 West End Ave, will be holding their first annual Festival of Trees. Santa will be available again as will Frosty the Snowman, a Gingerbread man and giveaways. The events runs from Dec. 20 to Dec. 31 with a new attraction every night.
Another holiday event coming up is the 2024-25 Holiday Decorating Contest, where winners will each be awarded a $150 gift Card to Sips Paint & Ace Hardware!
Entries accepted from 11/29/24-1/3/2025

Santa was on hand at the Figli Di Colombo Club to the delight to grandchildren of members.
- Long Branch Mayor John Pallone and Congressman Frank Pallone have their phot taken with Santa at the Firehouse Museum on Atlantic Ave.
- Volunteers helped the toy distribution on Union Ave kept the toys organized and giveaway going smoothly.
- Senior Center Director Pat Krosnicki and associates take time out to take a photo with Santa.
- Maggie Fishcer, Arts Director at the Long Branch Arts and Cultural Center, looks on as kids enjoy playing games in the large stage room at the new Senior Center, after they had met with Santa in the Coca Cola room.
- Santa was at the Long Branch Senior Center and had a photo taken with city employees Michal DiMicili, Assistant to LB Administrator and Maggie Fischer, Art Director of the LB Cultural & Arts Center with their kids Sagovia and Aiden.