The Bangles & Antigone Rising at the Pony
September 26, 2011
Mid Atlantic Food in flames
September 30, 2011By popular demand, Brookdale’s convenient Fall 11-Week term offerings have expanded, more than doubling the original course selection. And it’s not too late to register.
Did Hurricane Irene overwhelm the end of your summer? Are you finally seeing an end to all that drying out and cleaning up? Is the sun at long last peeking out behind leaves that are just beginning to turn? Now it’s time to revisit those fall plans that were put on hold and get your start at Brookdale.
“It’s been a challenging September and students of all ages have the opportunity to still enroll in fall classes with the October 4 start date for the shorter term,” said Dr. Dianna Phillips, Executive Vice President-Education Services.
The offerings now include expanded selections from computer science, criminal justice, economics, English composition, American literature, fitness, world civilization, a selection of math classes from developmental to advanced levels, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, reading, sociology and speech.
Although the classes begin in October, the term still ends December 21, the same time the traditional 15-week semester finishes. The only difference is the scheduling. Class meeting time is slightly longer to make up for the later start but still have the same total semester hours.
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High school and transfer students and adults interested in career training are invited to the annual Fall Open House Sunday, November 13. The event will take place in the new Brookdale Recreation Center and newly renovated Collins Arena from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. at the Lincroft main campus, 765 Newman Springs Road.
Information sessions will be presented from 1-1:30 p.m. and again at 2–2:30 p.m. Topics will include financial aid, career services, transfer and articulation services and disability services. Outreach Business and Community Development (OBCD) will offer instant career assessment at no charge. The Testing Center will also conduct an overview of the Accuplacer, Brookdale’s basic skills exam.
All the partners from the New Jersey Coastal Communiversity will attend and provide details about degree programs students may take locally for bachelor or masters diplomas. The four year partner institutions include Georgian Court University, New Jersey City University, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Jersey Institute of Technology and Montclair State University.
More information about the Open House is available by calling 732-224-1857.