Power to the People
November 2, 2012
Red Cross Shelter in Oceanport
November 3, 2012
Tide Loads of Hope will be operational starting 12-03-12 at the Lowes center on Highway 35 in Eatontown
Starting on November 3, 2012 from 8am to 6pm the Tide Loads of Hope trailer will be offering FREE full service laundry to area residents.
Loads of Hope is set up in the Lowes parking lot on Highway 35 in Eatontown. It is the only vehicle of its kind in the nation. It was first used following Hurricane Katarina in New Orleans. Tide is a company based out of New Hampshire and is working closely with the American Red Cross.
A company spokesperson stated that the location in Eatontown was selected because it is on a major highway and Lowes has more than ample parking. They also needed the resources of water, electric and having the ability to drain the machines. According to the company representative they can handle a total of 400 loads a day.
As of right now, only two loads per-family will be allowed.