Five seek three seats on Long Branch Board of Education
October 31, 2014
New police officers in Ocean
November 7, 2014The Hot Bagel Bakery located at 67 Monmouth Road in the Oakhurst section of Ocean Township is celebrating a very special day on Friday, November 6, 2014.

Township of Ocean Mayor William Larkin presents a proclamation to Don Grimes, owner of The Hot Bagel Bakery, for 35-years of business in the township.
At the November 6, 2014 regular Township of Ocean public council meeting, Mayor William Larkin and the council members presented Don Grimes, co-owner of The Hot Bagel Bakery located at 67 Monmouth Road in the Oakhurst section of the township, with a special proclamation.
Don and his brother John have owned the bakery for 35 years. And to celebrate that special anniversary, on Friday, November 7th all bagels will be .35 cents