Movie on Monsignor Bradley showing July 10
July 1, 2015Mayors object, but ebola plan is extended three months
July 1, 2015By Patty Booth O’Neill
No one was injured but it was an intimidating sight.
On Wednesday morning around 7:30, Cedar Avenue and sorrounding streets were closed when a semi was struck by a commuter train.
“A tractor trailer missed the turn and was backing up when the guard rails came down,” said Jason Roebuck, Long Branch Public Safety Director.
The train was traveling north and slowing down while approaching the station that’s located by Fine Fare Supermarket.
“The train hit the back of the truck,” said Roebuck. “No one was injured.”
There were police investigating the scene and First Aid on hand in case of injuries. Nothing could be done to clear the tracks until New Jersey Transit Police arrived to investigate what had occured.
After getting stuck on the tracks the driver got out of the truck before the train was struck. The semi was pushed sideways and finally ended up parallel to the train, The right side of the truck was damaged it and had to be towed from the scene. At around 10am the truck was off the tracks and tow trucks were preparing to take it away.