MMC saved my life
June 17, 2016
NAACP Breakfast showcases how men can make a difference
June 22, 2016By Patty Booth O’Neill
It was a night of smiles and laughs and some tears… all happy.
Introductions were made by Toast Master Kevin Stout and then the history was read to the packed crowd by Arthor Green.
The Neptune Hose Company No. 1 has a long history rich in facts and memories. It was the first organized fire company in Monmouth County, located in Long Branch before it was Long Branch.
There were many dignitaries present to praise past and present members. Plaques were handed out including to those who have put countless years into the company.
To read the full interesting history compiled by Arthur Green go to www.thelinknews.net.
This year, the Neptune Hose Company 1, the first organized fire fighting company in Monmouth County, is celebrated its 150th anniversary with several special events.
A tour of the 30 Branchport Avenue fire station was held on Wed., May 25, 7 p.m.On Saturday, June 18, the fire company held an anniversary dinner for its members at the Long Branch IAMA Club on West End Ave.
Local historian Arthur Green has compiled a history of the company. Here are a few excerpts from it:
Prior to 1877 the company was known as the Neptune Hook and Ladder Co. No 1.
Founded in 1866 by Dr. James O. Green, the Neptune Hook & Ladder Co. of Long Branch was the first organized fire company in Monmouth County. The establishment of a fire company was the result of the burning of the Bath Hotel… in that year. It was apparent that an organized fire company was needed within the village of Long Branch.
Prior to the establishment of the fire company, fire suppression was accomplished by the means of the “bucket brigade.” … While this may have been state of the art at one time, it was no longer efficient in 1866 in a large, growing community. Dr. Green, whose father and brothers had owned the hotel, solicited funds from merchants and the public and had a fire apparatus constructed by the carriage builder Mr. Charles Antonides of Mechanicsville now present day West Long Branch… a long wagon equipped to carry ladders, tools and fire buckets to a fire. It was the first apparatus of this nature constructed in all of Monmouth County solely for the purpose of firefighting.…
A small building to house the apparatus was constructed on the grounds now occupied by the old Broadway Primary School.
In 1872, an argument broke out between the Neptune Hook and Ladder and the newly formed Oceanic over who owned the apparatus. It resulted in a suit, which concluded that Neptune had merely loaned it, not given it.
Historical records indicate that by 1875 the Members of the Neptune Hook & Ladder Co. had vacated the Broadway location and had moved into the Oceanic fire station on Norwood Ave to share quarters with them, the Neptune’s membership now numbering 35 members. There they would remain until 1890, but under a strained relationship at times as fire company history and lore tell, probably due to residual fallout from the earlier law suit. One tale even tells of a line drawn down the middle of the firehouse.
On September 17th of 1877 the Neptune Hook & Ladder company … decided to change their name to the Neptune Hose Co. No 1. This decision was made to capitalize on the newly completed public water system that included fire hydrants within the City. A year later in 1878 the City Fire Commission agreed to purchase a four wheeled hose reel for them to use.… With the company motto of “Semper Paratus” meaning “Always Ready” the next phase of the company’s history began. Engraved on a pair of matching ornamental plates located on the hose reel and since carried over on all succeeding apparatus , the company has lived up to its promise to the community.
Over the next several decades, the Long Branch Fire Department was formally organized, and the Neptune Hose Co. grew, moving to 20 Branchport Ave.
While they were happy with this arrangement the members were desirous of owning a home of their own. They unsuccessfully attempted to purchase the 20 Branchport Avenue station. In 1904 with the company being solvent, property was purchased from Mr. A.S. Lokerson three lots down and fundraising began. Construction on the new building began in 1905. The company took possession of their present home in January of 1906. The new station included many modern amenities including indoor plumbing, hot water, both gas and electric lighting, a telephone, a fire alarm telegraph system and the latest automatic drop harness system for the team of horses which lowered the harnesses automatically at the first strike of the alarm bell. Bowling alleys were located in the basement, the latter having been moved from the previous station…
In 1973 with the knowledge of a new Mack CF 600 1000 gpm fire engine on order, an addition to the existing building to house the new engine became apparent, since the current structure could not carry the weight and the narrow doorway would also present a problem . Construction was started in 1974 and completed by 1975 in time for the arrival of the new engine.…
The 1975 Mack Engine served the City and the department faithfully for 39 years until January 2014 when due to its age and the fact that it was no longer compliant with current NFPA standards it was retired. In an unprecedented act by the city council the fire engine was offered to the fire company for preservation. The company without a means to keep and maintain the apparatus, and in conjunction with the head driver decided to donate it to the Monmouth County Fire Academy where it resides today and is used for the purposes of training firefighters in Monmouth County. In the meantime a 1989 Pierce 1500 GPM pump was purchased from the Eatontown, NJ Fire Dept and was used as a temporary replacement apparatus while the company awaited the arrival of their new 2016 2000 GPM Pierce Engine which was placed into service on April 19, 2016.
For a photo spread pick up this week’s issue of The LINK News