At 13, EmiSunshine already a star
March 23, 2018Surf camps, skim camps and yoga need to bid for beach
March 28, 2018
It was an exciting day for Charlotte Ross on Saturday. While eating a slice of pizza at Scala's on Brighton Ave. in Long Branch her tooth fell out. To make things even more exciting John Zambrano, aka the “Pizza Fairy” according to Char, gave her five dollars to celebrate. Thank you Fazz, for making it a special day.
Stormy weather?
Almost all of The Link News was put together on Tuesday, due to reports that the weather on Wednesday would be horrendous. This is the third week in a row the area’s had a nor’easter, and an unpleasant way to welcome spring.
We were putting the finishing touches on the paper Wednesday morning (mostly Town Links), and it appeared that the dangers were overstated for the Jersey shore, with the roads still clear of snow.
It was probably cancelled
If you had an event scheduled for Wednesday, it was probably rescheduled due to the forecast. Here are a couple of them:
• Eatontown moved its council meeting from March 21 to March 22. The agenda includes introducing the municipal budget.
• The Greater Ocean Township Chamber’s Wine, Chocolate and More event will now be held on April 4. Still at the English Manor, and still featuring wine, chocolate, craft beers, food and much more as well as a networking opportunity. See www.gotcc.org for details.
• The Greater Long Branch Business Meeting has also been postponed. The next meeting is June 20.
Political debate is on
The Link is still working on details such as date and time, but it has confirmed that the candidates in the May 8 Long Branch mayoral and council races are willing to hold a political debate. Keep an eye out for details.
Voting order
The city clerk has held the drawing for what order names will appear on the ballot this election day.
John Pallone’s name is first on the ballot, and he’s running with the motto of “Long Branch first.” Avery Grant, running under “Bringing Back the Long Branch Community,” is next, followed by Adam Schneider, whose designation is “The Schneider Team.”
For council candidates, Grant’s team of Edward Anastasio and Dennis Mikolay is first. Immediately after the petitions were submitted, it wasn’t clear if Grant would have one or two running mates as signatures were being confirmed.
Schneider’s team, with Joy Bastelli, Kathleen “Kate” Billings, Diana Dos Santos, Adam Ponsi and Michael Sirianni is second, and Pallone’s team, Mary Jane Celli, Lorenzo “Bill” Dangler, Rose M. Widdis, Mario R. Vieira, and Anita Voog, follows.
Hook and Ladder Ham Dinner
The Oceanport Hook & Ladder Fire Company will present their Annual Ham Dinner on Sunday, March 25, from noon to 5 p.m.
This is the Hook & Ladder’s largest fundraiser of the year and they need your help to make it successful.
The dinner will be held at the Oceanport Hook & Ladder Fire House, 21 Main Street, and will feature the regular attractions: creamy mashed potatoes, string beans with bacon, ham with the famous raisin gravy, salad, cole slaw, apple sauce, coffee and more. The dinner will be served Family Style. Adults: $9; seniors $8; kids under 10 $5; under 5 are free.
No SID in Sea Bright
A rumor is going around that Sea Bright is looking at a Special Improvement District. It’s completely false, Councilman Marc Leckstein said.
SIDs are areas where a special assessment (essentially a tax) is applied, and an agency, usually a non-profit, oversees that money and uses it on the district.
Proponents see it a way to improve an area. Others don’t like the idea of a quasi-governmental agency with broad powers taking extra money from them and having a say in how they run their businesses.
Leckstein said he’s gotten concerned calls from a couple of businesses, and other business owners have heard the rumor too – though many others on council were taken completely by surprise.
Six years ago, business owners heard a presentation from a group about a possible SID. They didn’t like what they heard.
“It was universally rejected by the businesses,” Leckstein said. Council agreed in 2012 not to anything with the idea – and it’s sticking to that despite the rumors.
“I just want to make sure, on the record, (so) it is very, very clear to everyone – it is not true,” he said.
Toys R Us going, again
Early this year. Toys R Us announced they were closing their Eatontown branch as part of an effort to stave off bankruptcy. Then they changed their mind, and said that the branch would be taken off the list.
Now it looks like the entire chain is closing, so the Eatontown store is also going to be going out of business.
No word on exactly when it will close, or offer a “going out of business” sale yet.
But remember, sometimes those sales are deceptive. Check they’re offering savings and not just putting up signs saying they are.
MU Story Time
Monmouth University Story Time for children in grades K-2 will be held March 23, 3:45 p.m. at the Monmouth University Library in West Long Branch. This month will feature the Monmouth University Pep Band.
Story Time is a program at Monmouth University by a group of students. Parents and children are welcome. Story time will consist of book readings and brief craft. Snacks and drinks will also be given out. We look forward to meeting the parents and children who will attend!
For more information or how to become involved, please contact:
Aimee Parks (Assistant Director of Human Resources for Student Employment). You are invited to RSVP, however not necessary. Contact 732-571-3569 or aedmunds@monmouth.edu.
Kitten rescue fundraiser
Three Little Kittens, a kitten rescue and foster service, is gearing up for its Annual Spring Garage and Attic Sale fundraiser April 21 and 22, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at 501 Seventh Ave., Asbury Park (Rain date April 28 and 29). All proceeds are donated to Three Little Kittens.
The event also features free coffee and a raffle of 20 gift baskets.
For more information visit threelittlekittens.org.
- The West Long Branch Chamber of Commerce hosted a historical tour of Monmouth University on March 13. The Chamber would like to thank Monmouth University and Paul Dement for opening their doors and serving refreshments. Many thanks to Glenn LeBoeuf, tour guide, who shared his wealth of knowledge on the history of Wilson Hall.
- Congratulations to Michael Salvatore, Ph.D., Superintendent of the Long Branch Public Schools, on being named Superintendent of the Year for Monmouth County.
- Rotary Club
- Rotary Club
- Rotary Club, students help the hungry — Shore Regional High School students, under the guidance of English teacher Victoria Koontz (in the center of the photo below), and the Rotary Club of Greater Long Branch joined forces to help the Lutheran Church of the Reformation food pantry in West Long Branch. The students collected the food, and the Rotarians (photo to the right) took the supplies to the food pantry.
- It was an exciting day for Charlotte Ross on Saturday. While eating a slice of pizza at Scala’s on Brighton Ave. in Long Branch her tooth fell out. To make things even more exciting John Zambrano, aka the “Pizza Fairy” according to Char, gave her five dollars to celebrate. Thank you Fazz, for making it a special day.
- A new store, The Brazilian Market Meat Boutique, held its grand opening on Friday with a ribbon cutting. The owners are Ricardo and Wanessa Dagher of Long Branch. They said that many different cultures come into the store to try different things. “This part of town needed something like this,” Ricardo said. Suspended behind them are hollow chocolate Easter eggs, a Brazilian tradition, filled with candy, and if you purchase one, your name goes into a drawing to win a Easter basket. Mayor Adam Schneider cuts the ribbon, (third from left) with employees and customers, and owners Wanessa (Schneider’s left) and Ricardo (Schneider’s right).