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July 29, 2018
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August 22, 2018Long Branch — Shine: Women of Long Branch, will present a Unity Tent as part of the West End Arts Center’s annual fall festival.
On September 15, 1-6 p.m. (raindate Sept. 16), the Unity Tent Event will take place at the West End Arts Center, West End Avenue. This is an opportunity to bring the community together to celebrate everyone’s individuality as well as their similarities.
The Unity Tent will be a circus tent theme with 40 poles as “identifiers,” such as “I am a parent,” “I am a student,” “I am single,” “I speak English as a second language” etc. The participants will connect colored ribbons to the poles they identify with creating a beautiful canopy illustrating all we have in common.
The project celebrates the uniqueness of individuals as well as illustrating the impact of labels on our perception of and interactions with the world. In the end we see that we are all connected in some way.
In order for the Unity Tent to be a successful community project, organizers are asking you to consider making a donation by visiting gofundme.com/shine-unity-tent. Donations of any amount will be greatly appreciated or you can choose to sponsor one of the 40 identifiers for $75 and have your name and/or business featured.
West End Arts Center is hosting Shine: Women of Long Branch as part of their annual fall festival themed “When The Circus Comes To Town.”
The festival runs from September 21–September 30 at the arts center.
If you choose to sponsor an identifier please send your information and/or business name and logo to shine100women@gmail.com.
For more information contact Susan Marco, 732-500-7843; Andrea Phox, 917-545-2538 or email shine100women@gmail.com.